Funding Institutions

Below are funding institutions in our system, along with the scite Index (SI) scores from 2023, and a count of how many supporting, mentioning, and contrasting citations their funded publications received. You can sort the table on any combination of columns by shift-clicking, and also filter by the institution names (case insensitive). Please note that these numbers change regularly as we continue to index publications and add new Smart Citations to our database.
What is the scite Index?
The scite Index (SI) measures how supported publications from an institution are, and is calculated using the following formula:
For example, the 2019 2-year SI includes citations to articles published in 2018 and 2019. There must be at least 100 supporting and/or contrasting cites in the measuring period to receive an SI.

Note: Some of the columns are hidden for this display. To see the full details, please visit this page on a larger screen.

No.Name2-Year SI5-Year SILifetime SITotal Cites Contrasting Supporting Mentioning
201Wuhan University of Technology-0.950.9318,912 31 433 18,282
202North Atlantic Treaty Organization-0.950.9320,034 69 870 18,890
203Pew Charitable Trusts0.950.950.9477,129 228 3,720 72,798
204New Mexico State University-0.950.929,010 55 674 8,247
205China University of Mining and Technology-0.950.9413,022 20 335 12,592
206British Interplanetary Society-0.950.942,994 20 298 2,671
207Ministero Degli Affari Esteri-0.950.9616,478 33 727 15,587
208Yunnan University-0.950.956,717 11 193 6,468
209Vanderbilt University Medical Center-0.950.9211,215 44 512 10,611
210Oklahoma State University System-0.950.9112,636 65 671 11,731
211Verband Der Chemischen Industrie0.960.950.9483,054 196 3,090 78,091
212Banting Research Foundation-0.950.924,788 19 221 4,521
213McKnight Foundation-0.950.9340,120 186 2,432 37,298
214Huaqiao University-0.950.9211,062 18 216 10,755
215Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research-0.950.9410,082 34 556 9,381
216Conseil Régional d'Île-De-France-0.950.9412,073 28 466 11,510
217Queen's University Belfast-0.950.938,938 31 442 8,396
218Washington Research Foundation-0.950.9419,700 45 752 18,843
219ExxonMobil (United States)-0.950.9521,233 53 911 20,158
220National Institute for Fusion Science-0.950.955,159 19 357 4,775
221Council for Higher Education-0.950.9514,237 34 622 13,479
222Humboldt State University-0.950.938,454 34 481 7,842
223Education Department of Shaanxi Province-0.940.9510,307 15 267 9,948
224Council of Scientific and Industrial Research0.950.940.94421,805 950 15,081 402,564
225Abney Foundation-0.940.951,860 7 133 1,717